Report Magic

Download Report Magic

Report Magic has three editions available. For all users, you should download and install Analog (from here) first. Once you have Analog running and working, then install and configure Report Magic.

If you are using Windows or Mac OS 9 or earlier, you should download the edition for your platform. These are easy to install and configure. See the instructions at right.

For other platforms, including Mac OS X, you can check your platform package system (such as RPM, Deb, Fink, etc.) for rmagic or download the Source Edition. It uses Perl, which is included on most Unix and Unix-like systems. To install the Source Edition, you will need to install some system libraries and run an installation script to install required modules. Complete details are covered in the instructions linked at right.

Be sure to sign up for the announcement list below so you will be notified of updates to Report Magic when they are available.

> Version 2.21 Source Edition (440kb)
> Version 2.21 Windows Edition (1.75MB)
> Version 2.21 Mac Classic Edition (2.47MB)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: By downloading a package you are signifying your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license agreement. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, DO NOT DOWNLOAD any packages.

UPGRADE NOTICE FOR WINDOWS USERS: There is a known issue with rendering TrueType fonts in the current Windows Edition (see bugs page for details). If you are dependent on using TrueType fonts in your graphs (i.e. you do not want to use the built-in fonts), DO NOT upgrade until we can work around this. If you have already upgraded you can get 2.13 Windows Edition from here.

Join the Announcements List

If you would like to add your email address to the Report Magic Announcements list you can do so here. The list is very low traffic (one message every few months) and you will be kept aware of any changes that come along, bugs that crop up, new release announcements, beta tests and you can help provide input on the future directions of Report Magic. (We will never release the contents of this list to any third party.)

To subscribe to the announcement list use the form at

Package Notes

Package notes and installation instructions are in the documentation. You can review them here, online, and when you download and decompress the package.

   Copyright 2005 Jeremy Wadsack. Privacy Policy.